The best Cheltenham Festival tips could be the 2013 #ToiletTips

SPORTS betting site took over sponsorship of the David Nicholson Mares’ Hurdle at the Cheltenham Festival last year and created a huge buzz in one of the most unexpected manners possible during the finest week of racing on the planet. is a sports betting community that includes a monthly tipping competition, a busy …[Read More]

Official Cheltenham Festival Preview to be streamed live

THE burgeoning influence of technology and social media seems to be seeping into every corner of our lives. Mostly for the better, I must add. Now it’s racing’s turn with cyberspace about to revolutionise Cheltenham Festival preview nights. In a case of “if you can’t come to us, we’ll come to you”, the Official Festival …[Read More]

Cheltenham Festival 2013 Tips Should Revolve Around Stats

by SAM DARBY. Some horse racing punters swear by using stats to make selections in big races while others find them misleading. Many stats, especially Cheltenham Festival stats, can be very useful in narrowing the field and helping to pick those vital Cheltenham Festival 2013 tips. One of the traps to avoid when making Cheltenham Festival …[Read More]

Equine equality: raising the profile of mares

REMEMBER Dawn Run? She was female. What about Quevega? Yep, another wonderful mare. I was reminded of these equine luminaries after learning more about a campaign being waged to raise the profile of mares racing. and the Thoroughbred Breeders’ Association (TBA) have set out with an agenda to try to increase the number of …[Read More]